I don’t currently teach as part of my duties but I can teach the following topics quite comfortably:
R programming from the basics to advanced topics (R package development, object-oriented programming)
Git/GitHub from the basics to intermediate/advanced (merging and rebasing, cherry-picking, etc)
Reproducible data analysis workflows
Various topics in mathematical/statistical/dynamical modelling of infectious diseases
Various topics in data analysis
Thesis and journal article writing techniques
In the past, I’ve taught the following courses:
A shortcourse on Introduction to R: Management, Exploration, and Communication of Data at the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA) at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
I also have a YouTube channel with over 3000 subscribers with videos like this tutorial on Mendeley amassing over 35, 000 views.