Research Projects


  • Outbreak response analytics and decision-making:

    • Using compartmental modelling to quantify the impact of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions on the spread of an epidemic.
    • Estimating the growth rate, time-varying reproduction number, and real-time infections from epidemiological counts using Bayesian methods and workflows from available R tools like {EpiNow2}, {epinowcast}, {epidemia}, and {EpiEstim}.
    • Investigating how modelling impacts public health decision-making.
    • R package development (software engineering) for outbreak analytics; converting new/existing models and methods into reusable software.
  • Tools and pipelines for reproducible research.

  • Improving the practice of science and its communication.


You can find my published work on my Google Scholar profile.

Recently published

1️⃣: Azam, J.M., Pang, X., Are, E.B., Pulliam, J.R. and Ferrari, M.J., 2023. Modelling outbreak response impact in human vaccine-preventable diseases: A systematic review of differences in practices between collaboration types before COVID-19. Epidemics, p.100720.

Ongoing work

1️⃣: Age-structured compartmental model for estimating the timing of detection of polio-related acute flaccid paralysis in South Africa (generalizable to other settings).

2️⃣: A surveillance pipeline to detect changes in reported COVID-19 severity (case fatality, case hospitalization, and hospital fatality).

3️⃣: A two-strain compartmental model for studying the impact of the timing of the emergence of variants on control strategies.

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